Alien Poker

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Manufacturer System Year Model Produced
Williams System 6a Oct 1980 501 6,000 page for Alien Poker

Notable Features: Sound (Type 2) and Speech / CPU controlled lighted pop bumpers / 5-bank Drop Targets that had to be completed in the right sequence.

Along with Algar this was and early game to have 7 Digit Scoring, giving a total score of 9,999,990 before the game 'rolled over' or 'clocked'. Uses 'normal' green system 6 roms with an extension in the game rom to handle the 7th digit. Internally, the scoring is divided by 10 and a fake zero added for the ones digit.

Alien Poker Playing Tips and Rule Sheet

Alien Poker Shop Guide

1 System 3-7 Specific Issues

See Williams_System_3_-_7#Problems_and_Fixes

2 Game-Specific Issues

Click on the links to learn about the more complex problems that this era of games faces.

Return to Williams_System_3_-_7#Games page.