City Slicker

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1 Charts

1.1 Lamp Chart

SCR connector lamp description code wire color phase thyristor type
Q53 J13-12 50K 96 Gry-Brn B MCR-106
Q68 J13-10 100K 94 Gry-Grn B MCR-106
Q37 J13-4 150K 85 Blk-Wht B 2N5060
Q34 J12-17/J13-1 Bright Backbox Left 81 Blk-Red D MCR-106
Q51 J12-15/J13-8 Bright Backbox Right 93 Gry-Yel D MCR-106
Q66 J12-16/J13-6 Bright Flipper Light 87 Blk-Orn D MCR-106
Q34 J12-17/J13-1 Bright Headlight Left 81 Blk-Red C MCR-106
Q51 J12-15/J13-8 Bright Headlight Right 93 Gry-Yel C MCR-106
Q66 J12-16/J13-6 Bright Left Gate 87 Blk-Orn C MCR-106
Q65 J11-1/J12-4 Bright Middle Saucer 48 Grn-Blk D MCR-106
Q35 J13-2 Bright Right Gate 83 Blk-Yel C MCR-106
Q65 J11-1/J12-4 Bright Top Saucer 48 Grn-Blk C MCR-106
Q35 J13-2 Bright Top Target 83 Blk-Yel D MCR-106
Q23 J10-1 CITY "C" 12 Red-Blu A 2N5060
Q23 J10-1 CITY "C" 12 Red-Blu B 2N5060
Q70 J10-7 CITY "I" 24 Blu-Grn A 2N5060
Q70 J10-7 CITY "I" 24 Blu-Grn B 2N5060
Q55 J10-16 CITY "T" 38 Yel-Blk A 2N5060
Q55 J10-16 CITY "T" 38 Yel-Blk B 2N5060
Q24 J10-2 CITY "Y" 13 Red-Yel A 2N5060
Q24 J10-2 CITY "Y" 13 Red-Yel B 2N5060
Q69 J13-7 Double Left 2X 91 Gry-Red A 2N5060
Q31 J11-13/J12-13 Left Bottom Target 73 Orn-Yel A 2N5060
Q63 J11-3/J12-2 Left Kicker 59 Wht-Gry B 2N5060
Q41 J10-8 Left Middle Saucer 5K 25 Blu-Wht B 2N5060
Q48 J11-10/J12-7 Left Middle Target 68 Brn-Blk A 2N5060
Q50 J11-7/J12-9 Left Return 2X 63 Brn-Yel A 2N5060
Q32 J11-14/J12-12 Left Spot 74 Orn-Grn A 2N5060
Q49 J11-9/J12-8 Left Spot 1 67 Brn-Orn A 2N5060
Q64 J11-2/J12-3 Left Spot 2 58 Wht-Blk A 2N5060
Q33 J11-15/J12-11 Left Spot 3 75 Orn-Wht A 2N5060
Q63 J11-3/J12-2 Left Top Target 59 Wht-Gry A 2N5060
Q41 J10-8 Left Top Target Left 25 Blu-Wht A 2N5060
Q48 J11-10/J12-7 Middle Flipper Light 68 Brn-Blk B 2N5060
Q64 J11-2/J12-3 Middle Saucer Qualify 58 Wht-Blk B 2N5060
Q56 J10-17 Middle Saucer Spot 41 Grn-Red B 2N5060
Q56 J10-17 Middle Top Target Left 41 Grn-Red A 2N5060
Q50 J11-7/J12-9 Right Double 63 Brn-Yel B 2N5060
Q32 J11-14/J12-12 Right Kicker 74 Orn-Grn B 2N5060
Q25 J10-3 Right Middle Saucer 14 Red-Grn B 2N5060
Q62 J11-4/J12-1 Right Return Lane 61 Brn-Red B 2N5060
Q46 J11-16 Right Spot 78 Orn-Blk B 2N5060
Q61 J11-6/J12-10 Right Spot 1 62 Brn-Blu B 2N5060
Q30 J11-12/J12-14 Right Spot 2 72 Orn-Blu B 2N5060
Q47 J11-11/J12-6 Right Spot 3 71 Orn-Red B 2N5060
Q45 J10-10 Right Target Bottom 28 Blu-Blk B 2N5060
Q60 J10-13 Right Target Middle 36 Yel-Brn B 2N5060
Q29 J11-8 Right Top Target 64 Brn-Grn B 2N5060
Q25 J10-3 Right Top Target Left 14 Red-Grn A 2N5060
Q53 J13-12 Rollover 1 96 Gry-Brn A MCR-106
Q68 J13-10 Rollover 2 94 Gry-Grn A MCR-106
Q37 J13-4 Rollover 3 85 Blk-Wht A 2N5060
Q54 J13-11 Rollover 4 95 Gry-Wht A 2N5060
Q42 J10-9 Shoot Again 26 Blu-Brn A 2N5060
Q45 J10-10 Shootout 1 28 Blu-Blk A 2N5060
Q60 J10-13 Shootout 2 36 Yel-Brn A 2N5060
Q29 J11-8 Shootout 3 64 Brn-Grn A 2N5060
Q46 J11-16 Shootout 4 78 Orn-Blk A 2N5060
Q61 J11-6/J12-10 Shootout 5 62 Brn-Blu A 2N5060
Q30 J11-12/J12-14 Shootout 6 72 Orn-Blu A 2N5060
Q47 J11-11/J12-6 Shootout 100K 71 Orn-Red A 2N5060
Q62 J11-4/J12-1 Shootout Special 61 Brn-Red A 2N5060
Q57 J10-18 SLICKER "S" 43 Grn-Yel A 2N5060
Q57 J10-18 SLICKER "S" 43 Grn-Yel B 2N5060
Q26 J10-4 SLICKER "L" 15 Red-Wht A 2N5060
Q26 J10-4 SLICKER "L" 15 Red-Wht B 2N5060
Q43 J10-11 SLICKER "I" 31 Yel-Red A 2N5060
Q43 J10-11 SLICKER "I" 31 Yel-Red B 2N5060
Q58 J10-19 SLICKER "C" 45 Grn-Wht A 2N5060
Q58 J10-19 SLICKER "C" 45 Grn-Wht B 2N5060
Q27 J10-5 SLICKER "K" 18 Red-Blk A 2N5060
Q27 J10-5 SLICKER "K" 18 Red-Blk B 2N5060
Q44 J10-12 SLICKER "E" 32 Yel-Blu A 2N5060
Q44 J10-12 SLICKER "E" 32 Yel-Blu B 2N5060
Q59 J10-14 SLICKER "R" 37 Yel-Orn A 2N5060
Q59 J10-14 SLICKER "R" 37 Yel-Orn B 2N5060
Q69 J13-7 Special 91 Gry-Red B 2N5060
Q52 J13-13 Thumper Bumper Left 97 Gry-Orn B MCR-106
Q36 J13-3 Thumper Bumper Middle 84 Blk-Grn B MCR-106
Q67 J13-5 Thumper Bumper Right 86 Blk-Brn B MCR-106
Q31 J11-13/J12-13 Top Flipper Light 73 Orn-Yel B 2N5060
Q33 J11-15/J12-11 Top Spot Letter 75 Orn-Wht B 2N5060
Q52 J13-13 Uptown 1 97 Gry-Orn A MCR-106
Q67 J13-5 Uptown 2 86 Blk-Brn A MCR-106
Q36 J13-3 Uptown 3 84 Blk-Grn A MCR-106
Q49 J11-9/J12-8 Uptown Qualifier 67 Brn-Orn B 2N5060
Q54 J13-11 Xball 95 Gry-Wht B 2N5060
Q28 J10-6 21 Blu-Red A 2N5060
Q28 J10-6 21 Blu-Red B 2N5060
Q42 J10-9 26 Blu-Brn B 2N5060

1.2 Solenoids

Sol. No Solenoid description Solenoid Type Wire Code Wire Color Connector Driver Transistor Solenoid Coil Type
1 Left Thumper Bumper Momentary 31 Yel-Red J6-1, J8-5 Q11 AN-26-1200
2 Right Thumper Bumper Momentary 32 Yel-Blu J6-2, J8-4 Q12 AN-26-1200
3 Middle Thumper Bumper Momentary 34 Yel-Grn J6-3 Q13 AN-26-1200
4 Left Slingshot Momentary 35 Yel-Wht J6-4 Q14 AO-26-1200
5 Right Slingshot Momentary 27 Blu-Orn J7-1, J8-7 Q16 AO-26-1200
6 Top Saucer Momentary 25 Blu-Wht J8-6 Q15 A-29-2100
7 Top Thumper Bumper Momentary 36 Yel-Brn J6-5 Q17 AN-26-1200
8 Kick to Playfield Momentary 51 Wth-Red J9-1 Q18 AO-27-1300
9 Middle Saucer Momentary 52 Wht-Blu J9-2 Q19 A-29-2100
10 Captive Flipper Momentary 53 Wht-Yel J9-3 Q20 AN-26-1200
11 Middle Flipper Momentary 54 Wht-Grn J9-4 Q21 AN-26-1200
12 Not Used Momentary 67 Brn-Orn J9-6 Q22 --
13 (German Games) Momentary 57 Wht-Orn J9-7 Q38 --
14 Outhole Momentary 58 Wht-Blk J9-8 Q39 AN-26-1200
15 Knocker Momentary 59 Wht-Gry J7-2, J8-2, J9-11 Q40 AO-26-1200
16 Not Used Continuous 511 Wht-Vio J9-9 Q9 --
17 Not Used Momentary 311 Yel-Vio J6-7, J7-4 Q10 --
18 Back Box Lights Continuous 24 Blu-Grn J7-3, J8-1, J9-10 Q8 Solid State Relay Bd.
19 Flipper enabling relay Continuous -- -- -- Q7 48V Relay

Flipper Circuits Power Wire Code Power Wire Color Return Wire Code Return Wire Color Connector Coil
Left Flipper 60 Brn 90 Gry J6-8 A-24-570/34-3600
Right Flipper 60 Brn 95 Gry-Wht J6-9 A-24-570/34-3600
Upper Right Flipper 60 Brn 98 Gry-Blk (to lower right flipper) A-24-570/34-3600

1.3 Switch Matrix

Strobe 0 Strobe 1 Strobe 2 Strobe 3 Strobe 4 Strobe 5
to Playfield -- J4-15 Wht-Red (51) J4-14 Wht-Blu (52) J4-13 Wht-Yel (53) J4-12 Wht-Grn (54) J4-11 Wht-Brn (56) J4-1 Wht-Vio (511)
-- to Cabinet J3-15 Red-Yel (13) J3-14 Red-Grn (14) J3-13 Orn-Grn (74) J3-12 Yel-Wht (35) J3-11 (not used)
Return 0 CJ4-10 Red (10) CJ3-10 Red-Wht (15) 1 Rollover #1 9 Coin Chute III (Right) 17 Top Left Target 25 Left Thumper Bumper 33 Left Bottom Target 41 Not Used
Return 1 CJ4-9 Blu (20) CJ3-9 Brn-Wht (65) 2 Rollover #2 10 Coin Chute I (Left) 18 Top Middle Target 26 Right Thumper Bumper 34 Left Middle Target 42 Not Used
Return 2 CJ4-8 Yel (30) CJ3-8 Blu (20) 3 Rollover #3 11 Coin Chute II (Middle) 19 Top Right Target 27 Middle Thumper Bumper 35 Left Top Target 43 Not Used
Return 3 CJ4-7 Grn (40) CJ3-7 Blu-Red (21) 4 Rollover #4 12 Left Return Lane 20 Left Gate Lane 28 Left Slingshot 36 Right Bottom Target 44 Not Used
Return 4 CJ4-6 Wht (50) CJ3-6 Gry-Orn (97) 5 Left Flipper Button 13 Right Return Lane 21 Right Gate Lane 29 Right Slingshot 37 Right Middle Target 45 Not Used
Return 5 CJ4-4 Brn (60) CJ3-5 Yel (30) 6 Credit Button 14 Slam 22 Right Uptown Target 30 Top Thumper Bumper 38 Right Top Target 46 Not Used
Return 6 CJ4-3 Orn (70) CJ3-4 Blu-Orn (27) 7 Right Flipper Button 15 Tilt 23 Middle Uptown Target 31 Ball Trough #2 39 Ball Trough #1 47 Not Used
Return 7 CJ4-2 Blk (80) CJ3-2 (not used) 8 Outhole 16 Top Saucer 24 Left Uptown Target 32 Middle Saucer 40 Outlanes 48 Not Used